My forms of secondary research:
1.Web-based research
1.Web-based research
1. According to Kimberly Wilson, psychologist and author of “How to Build a Healthy Brain,” being cancelled can have greater effects on mental health because it can “feel as though they are being attacked by the whole world.”
What have you learned from this research?
How will it help you with this project?
This is a quote from The Women's Network in an article titled 'The effects of cancel culture on women'. This helps prove my point in saying that cancel culture is bad as a psychologist has stated that 'being cancelled can have greater effects on mental health'. This quote helps me understand what it feels like to be cancelled and also allows me to share with the listeners/readers the negative effects of being cancelled and why cancel culture is bad.
What have you learned from this research?
How will it help you with this project?
This is an article from The Women's Network that I thought was helpful for my podcast/article as it proves that cancel culture effects women more than men. I wanted a segment in my podcast on women and men who have been effected by cancel culture regarding the same issue such as being a drug addict and the long term effects it has had on both their careers showing that women go through worse after being cancelled which this article proves.
What have you learned from this research?
How will it help you with this project?
This helps me to understand the meaning of 'bunny boiler'. The idea to talk about it was given to me by my tutors Matt and John. Not having heard it before i had to do some research into the meaning. I was able to learn that in the film fatal attraction a woman was having an affair with a married man, and was demonised in the film, whilst the married man was depicted as a victim and hero, even though he was betraying his wife.
What have you learned from this research?
How will it help you with this project?
I've learnt that my point stand correct, cancel culture is harsher on women as Depp faced no hate for these messages. This will help me as it supports my argument that women get cancelled harsher than men because Depp did not get any backlash for these messages where as Heard got insane amounts of hate.
What have you learned from this research?
How will it help you with this project?
I've learnt that the idea of the 'crazy psycho girlfriend' has long been put into play by Hollywood in films such as the above, 'Fatal Attraction'. I also learnt of the term 'bunny boiler', the term comes from a scene in'Fatal Attraction' where the scorned woman, seeking revenge on her ex-lover, places his family's beloved pet rabbit in a pot of boiling water when he is away from the house. The film shows that she was having an affair with a married man, and was demonised in the film, whilst the married man was depicted as a victim and hero, even though he was betraying his wife.
What have you learned from this research?
How will it help you with this project?
This video teaches me that Jameela as a woman in Hollywood believes that cancel culture is harmful. It helps me in regards of what to put into my podcast and article such as talking points, for example Jameela mentioned the term 'feminazi' which I'll be touching on.